North America Beauty Pageant ®

Meet Yolanda Bynum


Ms. North America 2023



Yolanda Bynum recently captured the crown at Miss North America. Yolanda represented North Carolina at the international pageant, She is an avid volunteer and mom of three. Yolanda hopes to take her platform internationally, reminding everyone that all platforms are important.“TouchingHearts“ focuses on platform, inclusion, and the ability to help as many initiatives as possible. She has already started working on her annual holiday program. Holiday Hero‘s which is set to Take Place , December 2 in North Carolina. holiday Hero’s is a program that focuses on forgotten seniors, disabled veterans and children in need for the last five years. This program has helped more than 200 individuals during the holidays at drop off participants enjoy food, fellowship, and fun and also receive a special token of appreciation from Yolanda “Touching Hearts” founder.